Monday, November 9, 2009

President Obama Calls Citizens "Extremists"

Just when I think I can write about something other than national politics, current events prove me wrong.

On Saturday, President Obama addressed Democrats in the Cannon Office Building and yet again, referred to American citizens as extremists. He said, "Does anybody think that the teabag, anti-government people are going to support them if they bring down health care? All it will do is confuse and dispirit them (Democratic votes) and it will encourage the extremists."

When, in the history of our nation, has a sitting President ever attacked peaceful, legitimate protesters with such language?   Regardless of your political beliefs, Democrats, Republicans, and Independents should band together and protest this attack from the White House on citizens' rights to assemble and criticize the government without being labeled as extremists.

That's a dangerous precedent, Mr. President. I guess if you convince enough people that Tea Parties and 912 Rallys are filled with dangerous, anti-government extremists, then you can convince them of the necessity to use force against these radicals, as well. Is that where we are heading?

America, where is your outrage?


  1. I am becoming more extremist in my view that the Federal government does not give a flip about what the people that foot the bill say or think. How about that goose that laid the golden egg? I feel fingers around my throat!

  2. Someone once said "Sometimes a patriot has to defend his country from his government."
