Monday, November 23, 2009

Forced Extraction of DNA

Argentina has authorized the forced extraction of DNA from citizens who may have been born to political prisoners over a quarter-century ago. If a person refuses to provide a sample of blood, saliva, skin, or hair, a warrant will be issued and it will be forcibly taken. The law allows DNA to be extracted anytime a judge deems it "absolutely necessary."
Keep in mind these people are not criminals;they have not been arrested;they have not asked to trace their birth parents, in fact many explicitly don't want to know. But the government of Argentina has declared otherwise.
Beware Americans. Your DNA may not be under your control for much longer.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Loss of Liberties

"It is proper to take alarm at the first experiment on our liberties. We hold this prudent jealousy to be the first duty of citizens..."
                                                 -James Madison, 1785

Friday, November 20, 2009

Sarah Palin

A recent Fox News survey shows that among registered Republicans, Sarah Palin received the highest favorable ratings of possible GOP presidential candidates. That's shocking.  She rated higher than Mitt Romney. Even though I'm from Alaska, I had no idea why, so I decided to give this a little thought. Ding! Ding! Ding! I got it:
It's not because she has the most experience. It's not because she knows the location of Russia. It's not because the media has attacked her unfairly (anyone see the Newsweek picture and caption?). No, it's because people believe her. They believe she has values, holds fast to those values, and is unapologetic. They believe she tells it as she sees it with no double talk. What you see is what you get.
That's the attraction of Sarah Palin. And it is so rare and refreshing, that many people prefer her honesty and integrity over political experience. She has the courage to stand up not only to the Democrats, CNN, MSNBC, and Oprah, but to her own party leaders as well. How crazy is that? A politician who refuses to do what party leaders tell her to do but actually, stay with me here it's a little tricky, does what she thinks is best for the United States. I know, I know.
Now, do I think Sarah Palin should be President? Nope. But I do think it is an interesting commentary which illustrates the depth of the people's loss of faith in our elected officials.
Where is the leader that will inspire us as a nation? Where is the leader that will protect our Constitution? Where is the leader that is proud to be an American? And where is the leader that will bring us together?

Goodbye Oprah

How can I miss you if you won't go away?

Oprah is leaving her talk show after only 25 years? Wow. How will her legions of robots know what books to read? How will they know who to vote for in the next Presidential election? This is serious. 

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Peas on a Plate

Big News Flash: The TARP money hasn't created jobs! Who's surprised? Certainly not the American people as a recent survey shows over 80% agree with that statement. 

This type of "stimulus", doesn't stimulate production - it only encourages moving money around from taxpayers to non-taxpayers. Nothing gets created.

It's like the little kid facing the dreaded peas on his dinner plate.  He just moves them around, and tries to hide them under the mashed potatoes. It looks like he ate some and might fool Mom, but really, nothing of substance is accomplished. 

Oh, wait. Unless you want to call "redistributing the wealth" an accomplishment, but who would do that?

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

"...citizens can hold their own governments accountable." Obama in China

Is there anyone that finds President Obama's statements in China a wee bit ironic?  Some people in this country have been trying to hold our government accountable, but the White House doesn't seem to like those taxpayer rallys, citizens showing up at townhall meetings, Fox news, or conservative talk radio.  I'm confused. Maybe he only means other countries' citizens?

Monday, November 16, 2009

Where's Waldo?

Aren't we all tired of seeing corrupt politicians from both sides of the aisle? We need leaders who will place America's interests above party politics. We need leaders who can, crazy as it might sound - lead.  But where are they? I would vote for an Independent, a Democrat, a Republican, or a Libertarian if he/she:

  1. Faithfully follows the Constitution of the United States of America
  2. Does not cower to special interests
  3. Will not blindly vote the way party leaders instructed him/her to vote
  4. Is morally, ethically upstanding
  5. Loves the United States, flaws and all
Republicans are licking their collective lips as they prepare for 2010 elections. I hope they don't take President Obama's approval rating dive as a sign that they can go back to "business as usual".  Republicans had control of the House and Senate for 4 years and the Presidency for 8. They squandered their opportunity to reduce government spending and steer the country back towards our Constitution.

In a country of over 300 million people, why is it so difficult to find good leaders? Where are they?

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

"It is never too late to be what you might have been"
                                                                   -George Eliot

Monday, November 9, 2009

President Obama Calls Citizens "Extremists"

Just when I think I can write about something other than national politics, current events prove me wrong.

On Saturday, President Obama addressed Democrats in the Cannon Office Building and yet again, referred to American citizens as extremists. He said, "Does anybody think that the teabag, anti-government people are going to support them if they bring down health care? All it will do is confuse and dispirit them (Democratic votes) and it will encourage the extremists."

When, in the history of our nation, has a sitting President ever attacked peaceful, legitimate protesters with such language?   Regardless of your political beliefs, Democrats, Republicans, and Independents should band together and protest this attack from the White House on citizens' rights to assemble and criticize the government without being labeled as extremists.

That's a dangerous precedent, Mr. President. I guess if you convince enough people that Tea Parties and 912 Rallys are filled with dangerous, anti-government extremists, then you can convince them of the necessity to use force against these radicals, as well. Is that where we are heading?

America, where is your outrage?

California Citizen Legislature: It's Time for Part-Time Representatives

In 1966 Californians drastically revised their state constitution and transformed the existing part-time legislators into full-time, 24/7, career politicians. BIG mistake.

The Founding Fathers never intended the position of state or federal elected representatives to become a full-time job. They knew that officials living far away from constituents lost a connection to the very people they were elected to represent.

In those days, ordinary citizens were elected, met for some time to take care of state business, and then returned to their regular lives in the community.  These "Citizen Legislators" had  to return to their communities and face the wrath of, or receive the praise from, their neighbors. It kept them on the straight and narrow. They would certainly see their neighbors at the grocery store, sit next to them at church or temple, watch their kids play Little League together and these politicians would have to justify their votes and actions.  They were held accountable and there would be no place to hide from community scorn if they abused their power.

Think that only worked in the "good old days"? Think again. Today, 42 states, including some of the largest (Texas, New York, Florida) still have part-time State Legislators. But not California. Ours go to Sacramento and settle in, earning $113,098 (the highest of any state) plus per diem for every day in session. Once there, they have a lot of time to fill so they have to justify their existence by sitting around thinking of new laws to foist upon the citizens. You know. They just want to "help" us.

Let's help ourselves instead. Citizens for California Reform is a non-partisan political action committee formed to pursue a part-time state legislature, limited government, and increased transparency. Certainly the idea has merit and considering the mess California is in, how could it be worse?

An initiative proposal has been filed. Let the debate begin!

The Tenth Amendment

"The several states composing the United States of America are not united on the principle of unlimited submission to their general government"
--Thomas Jefferson

I'm absolutely thrilled to see some state governments finally pushing back against the federal power grab that has been escalating since FDR.  States like Texas are leading the way and I can only hope more states will follow. I'm curious to see how media will report this shift.  Will this movement, like the Tea Parties and 912, also be dismissed as only "right wing fanatics"?

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Pakistan Condemns Use of Hillary Clinton, an Onion Video

Obama's Plea to Iran

President Obama issued a statement to Iran that said in part, "...the United States of America wants to move beyond this past, and seeks a relationship with the Islamic Republic of Iran based upon mutual interests and mutual respect."*

What? Now, let's see. What could be our mutual interests?
World peace? No, not a big concept in Iran.
Reducing carbon emissions? Not so much.
Converting the word to Islam by threat of the sword? I don't think Obama has signed on for that.
Destruction of Israel? Wait a minute...nah, couldn't be, could it?

*Source: CNN 11/4/09

Protests In Iran on 30th Anniversary of the attack on US Embassy

CNN reported this morning that tens of thousands of Iranians were protesting in the streets against ....the Iranian government. Today is a national holiday in Iran, celebrating the 1979 take-over of the US Embassy, the resulting hostage situation, and Iranian Revolution in which the Ayatollah Kohemeni came to power. But amid the usual anti-American fervor, the opposition group is, well, re-grouping and CNN was oh so happy to report the story. I'm glad to see CNN covering stories of unhappy citizens protesting against a power-hungry government.

But I wonder, where was CNN's in-depth coverage of the 1 million plus 912 Patriots and Tea Party groups that peacefully protested in Washington DC in September?