Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Sign on My Gas-Eating Durango

About a month ago, I put a sign on my vehicle with a quote from Ronald Reagan: Do not look to government to solve our problems, government is the problem. Now I drive quite a bit and I thought surely this sign would create some reaction from other drivers. After the first week, not one person showed any response. The second week, I went into a store and when I came back to my car 2 employees on their smoking break were reading my sign. “I don’t get it,” one said. The third week, a car pulled up next to me on the freeway honking. Finally, a reaction! I looked over and wondered, “Friend or Foe?” The couple inside enthusiastically gave me the thumbs up sign, and then went past me. Their license plate was Texas. The Lone Star State “gets it”. Wake up California!

1 comment:

  1. My personal bumper sticker favorite found here locally is regarding oil exploration in ANWR.
    It says, "I'd drill a caribou's ass for cheaper gas".
    Gotta love it!
    Mr. X
