Wednesday, March 23, 2011

What Goes Around, Comes Around

The recent United Nations-undeclared war on Libya, with the U.S. a willing, and motivated co-conspirator to overthrow yet another Middle East dictator, makes me …..well, it makes me several things. First and foremost, it makes me want to throw up. Why, and by what right do we bomb a sovereign country that has not attacked us or posed imminent danger?

Secondly, and the point of this post, it makes me wonder what would happen if there were an insurrection here in the U.S. I always like to follow an idea to its absurd end. Not only does it help clarify the unintended consequences and dangers of proposed actions, policies, or laws but it also keeps me amused. So bear with me for a few sentences.

What if a revolutionary force surfaces here in the U.S. and demands an overthrow of the federal government? Imagine if they assassinate government officials, capture control of some vital industry or cities? The U.S. military is called out to stop them, protect the homeland and such. The rebels have weapons, guns, & tanks and fire on the military. This is sedition, rebellion, revolution. The military fires back – this is war.

A sovereign nation has a right to restore order and enforce its laws, doesn’t it? But then......but then,(here comes the good part and possibly a made-for-TV-movie), along comes the United Nation and orders the U.S. to stop firing on its own citizens. The world community is outraged and demands that the U.S. stop killing its own citizens. The U.N. orders the United Sates to bring the rebels to the table to discuss concessions and hear their grievances and integrate them into the government. Or maybe they enforce a no fly zone or covertly provide weapons and supplies to the rebels. Wow. We wouldn’t like that very much would we?

Oh Americans, be careful how you embrace those “one world” organizations because what goes around comes around and the U.S. could soon find itself on the other side of the table with the UN dictating to us.


  1. Where are you? You know, I'm constantly checking here, but I don't see anything new. Please write. I like your long-winded, know it all answers to the world's issues. You're a brilliant woman and my most favorite mentor. xoxoxox

  2. I wrote my Congressman, John Sullivan (R), expressing the same concern you stated here - we are aiding in the over-throw of a sovereign nation's government which has done us no harm (lately). I told him, in my view, this is an illegal war.
    He responded by telling me he personally did not like Gdafi. I personally don't particularlly care for the way Barak Obama leads this country, but I wouldn't help the UN overthrow him. And not personally liking someone does not change the fact this is an illegal act of war on our part! Vote them all out, start over.

  3. Heidi and Hyrum, thank you for your comments. I like them both!
