Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Link to Orange Country Register Letter to the Editor


Going to bat for Obama
After reading Dena Bunis' Letter from Washington ["Obama opposition takes an ugly turn," Sept. 20], I couldn't figure out if it was an op-ed, a manners lesson, an advertisement for the Democratic National Committee or a letter to the editor. Bunis cites three examples of "ugly" behavior that concerns her: Obama being called a socialist, a sign at the Washington, D.C., Tea Party that caricatured Obama, and Rep. Joe Wilson's outburst of "You lie." While I agree with her on the last one, the first two have been suffered by many previous presidents on both sides of the aisle. Why should Obama be spared the wrath of citizens?
It seems to concern her that Republicans have motivated political involvement from "people who may otherwise not get involved in political discourse." So, let me get this straight – if I haven't been involved in politics before, then, that somehow diminishes my voice to protest now?
Springing to Obama's defense, she asserts, "The GOP has done its best to tie Obama to ACORN." Really? I'm pretty sure Obama has tied himself to ACORN, and the records are plentiful.
Finally, she discredits critics of the current administration because they don't get their news from "reliable" sources like she did back during the Vietnam War. You know, those extremely fair and neutral Big Three TV networks and well-known liberal newspapers? Maybe someone should tell her Al Gore invented this thing called the Internet, and it's 2009.

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