Monday, July 20, 2009

The Vanishing Constitution

"Do not look to government to solve our problems; government is the problem" - Ronald Reagan

I don't sleep much these days. I lie awake at night alternating between terror and depression as American abandons her Constitution and slips into socialism. If only my fellow citizens would wake up and worry. They should be as outraged by the loss of our constitutional freedoms as they are by OctoMom. A woman has eight babies and people go ballistic. But our rights and freedoms are gradually taken from us and we allow it to happen without a murmur of protest. Why? Because gradual erosion is harder to recognize and resist than a quick grab for power. Don't believe me? Look at the evidence:

In 2005, violating the 5th Amendment, the Supreme Court (Kelo v City of New London) upheld that a citizen's private property could be confiscated and redistributed to another private entity. It wasn't eminent domain as we know it - something for the public good such as street widening, a new bridge, or a school. No, the The City of New London condemned the Kelo home and then sold it to a developer who promised to bring in more tax revenue. Justice Stevens wrote that it was a legal land redistribution. Read that part again: LAND REDISTRIBUTION! This was an outrageous ruling that should have had all Americans protesting in the streets. If it can happen to the Kelo family, it can happen to you and it can happen to me.

The Second Amendment was debated in the Supreme Court last year as to "whether it is a right of the people to bear arms" and only narrowly affirmed, 5-4. Justice Beyer in dissent even wrote "no....right guaranteed by the Second Amendment to keep loaded guns in the house..." Regardless of how you feel about guns, everyone should be up in arms over this direct attack on the Constitution.

The federal government has usurped states rights protected under the Tenth Amendment. States are sovereign and have local accountability that doesn't exist at the federal level. States retain every authority not mentioned in the Constitution. As some means of re-asserting that right, at least 7 states have passed Sovereignty Resolutions and another 25 states have introduced the legislation.

In an outright attack on the First Amendment, in an effort to suppress conservative talk radio, our elected officials are trying to resuscitate the Fairness Doctrine which states broadcasters must present opposing views on matters of public importance. President Reagan abolished this violation of free speech in 1987, but here it is again. Iowa Senator Tom Harkin told radio host Bill Press that the Fairness Doctrine is " ensure that there are a few liberal shows on the air." Michigan Senator Debbie Stabenow said that she expects hearings soon on reviving the policy.

As the federal government has nationalized automakers, banks, and insurance companies, the Russian internet newspaper, Pravda just published an article titled, "American Capitalism Gone With a Whimper. The article outlines America's race toward socialism and reads, "...the American descent into Marxism is happening with breathtaking speed, against the backdrop of a passive, hapless sheeple..."

Government is addicted to taxing it's citizens. Currently under consideration or coming soon: a national VAT tax which would apply to every purchase; a reinstatement of the death tax; a tax on employer provided health insurance; an internet tax; a major increase in payroll taxes; severe restrictions on tax breaks for charitable donations; and a tax based on our auto mileage driven tacked with a GPS transponder system. Can anyone say Big Brother? Our Transportation Secretary floated this last idea. Fortunately for now, the Obama administration has rejected it.

Many judges and lawmakers take a "progressive" view of our Constitution. In other words, they don't take it literally. They believe it can be bend and molded to fit situations. Instead of upholding the Constitution as written, they are making policy and making decisions that take us further away from our founding father's road map for freedom. The U.S. Constitution is perhaps the most perfect document ever written. All we have to do is follow it.


Do something. Anything. Protest. Write a letter. Call your representatives in Washington. Hold a meeting in your home to educate your friends and family. Stand on the corner with a sign. Send an email. Write your newspaper editor. Vote. Join a citizens group. Educate yourself on U.S. Constitutional history. Get involved. Just do something before it is too late.

Stop the fighting between Democrats and Republicans. They are both struggling for control of the rudder while the ship is sinking. You and I will never be able to agree on everything, but can we agree on one or two things? Yes we can. As Americans, we can agree to fight for our rights protected under our Constitution. Let us work on what we have in common, not what divides us.

Read the Constitution. Know your Bill of Rights. Remember that along with rights come responsibilities and freedom is not free. Teach your children non-revisionist U.S. History because the public schools aren't doing that anymore.

Reach out to each other so we know we are not alone in our love of America and our anger at the judges and politicians who are assaulting the Constitution. Talk to our senior citizens. Many were immigrants who lived through the evils of socialism and all its ugliness. They will tell you, it's not the way.

Don't wait - Lead. Who will stand and say, "Enough"?

We are so fortunate. We don't have to physically fight an oppressive dictatorship. We don't have to resort to arms, violence, or bloodshed. Why, we don't even need courage. We just have to speak out. Our united voices have more power than any weapon. If the people of Iran have the courage to march in the streets, surely we can turn off the TV and tell our elected officials, "enough".

Never forget: Our rights are God-given, and government only exists to protect those rights.

Suggested Resources: Foundation for Economic Education

The 5000 Year Leap, Principles of Freedom 101 by Cleon Skousen

Glenn Beck's Common Sense: The Case Against an Out-of-Control Government

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