Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Put it in the Garage

Ahhh, the garage. It's a great place to store stuff you don't want in your house anymore, but can't bear to give to Goodwill or just completely trash. There's still some emotional connection and you can't quite banish it from your life. On the other hand, you're pretty sure you don't want it in your house anymore. Maybe it's old, doesn't fit your style now, or it's too darn big for the living room. Maybe you're just tired of it.

By putting it out of your day to day sight, maybe you'll come to miss it and want it back? Maybe you'll see it in a new light and find another use for it? Surely you would regret tossing it. So there it sits. Gathering dust. And blocking your path to the work bench, the bicycle, and the ladder. You can't get to the "good" stuff, because of the junk. You look at it and continually ask yourself, "What am I going to do with that?" You have guilt. You feel pressured. You decide not to decide and go back in the house, closing the door behind you.

But eventually, a funny thing starts to happen. It begins to bother you as you maneuver past it. It's taking up too much room. It's dusty. It looks really old and worn out. It doesn't fit in your life anymore. You bang your big toe on it as you squeeze by and that's the moment it looses its power over you. You no longer feel attached to the darn thing, you want it out and you want it out now. You can release it and never look back. It feels good.

The garage serves as a transitional area not only for the physical item, but for your emotional attachment to it as well.  I think we need a garage for old, worn out relationships.  You know, the friendship you once enjoyed but no longer has a place in your life. They've changed, you've changed - whatever the cause. Some distancing is required to see it in its proper light and that distancing allows you to let it go. Feels good to clean out that garage rather than hanging onto relationships that don't work. Getting rid of the clutter in your life allows you to get to and enjoy the "good" stuff.

Happy De-Cluttering!

Paranoid? Who Me?

 Is George Orwell's 1984 here? Just saying...

1984  Thought crime - you will be punished for thinking bad thoughts against Big Brother
2009  Hate crime laws - you will be punished for what you were thinking when committing a crime

1984 Everyone works for the goverment
2009 1 in 5 Americans work for some level of government*

1984 Surveillance cameras are everywhere, including one's residence
2009  Cameras at traffic lights, highways, airports, convenience stores, banks, offices, schools, and don't forget the satellites. The average Londoner is photographed 300 times each day.

1984 Big Brother controls all media

1984 Government operated in complete secrecy
2009 California State Legislature voting record log was deleted 77 times

1984 Big Brother made policy changes in the middle of the night; people awoke to a new  reality
2009 With government takeover of GM, Obama suspended law and superseded GM corporate bond holder's positions, forever changing the financial playing field.

1984 Government indoctrinates children from a young age, abolishing parental influence
2009 The Constitution is not taught in high school; Traditional Constitutional law is not taught in law school;  California has declared a Harvey Milk Day (a known pedophile) for school children, Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth" is shown to high school freshmen; and diversity is education's highest goal.

Just saying...

*www.realclearpolitics.com/.../the_public_trough_is_bigger_th.html -

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Obama Care Vs. O'Mama Care

Obama: Everyone deserves free healthcare
O'Mama: No one owes you a thing.

Obama: This is America; it's your right.
O'Mama: Rights come with responsibilities.

Obama: Listen to me, I'm the President.
O'Mama: The world doesn't revolve around you, little missy.

Obama: Republicans are lying.
O'Mama: Don't whine if you don't get your way.

Obama: If you misrepresent the plan, we will call you out.
O'Mama: Always tell the truth.

Obama: It won't add one cent to the deficit.
O'Mama: There's no such thing as a free lunch.

Obama: The government knows best.
O'Mama: Stand on your own two feet.